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Need an overview? Read:RESIN BOUND VS RESIN BONDED?

Mixing on site - Safety Information

The Health and Safety of everybody is paramount, so please take the time to read these important safety requirements and information. The resins are safe, but should always be used carefully. 

Safety Rules

  • Avoid skin contact using PVC gloves or gauntlets. Skin contact can cause blisters, so take great care when working.
  • Eyes must be protected from splashes and flying stones using goggles.
  • All operatives should wear overalls.
  • Do not remove any safety guards from the mixer; this will reduce risk of injury from the paddles.
  • Dried and screened aggregates will result in minimal dust, but always wear a nuisance grade dust mask if any dust does occur.
  • Always wear approved ear defenders when in proximity to mixers, generators and other noisy equipment.
  • Safety boots and hard hats must be worn at all times on all sites.
  • Never heat the resin to aid in mixing; this can liberate a harmful vapour.
  • Xylene thinners or white spirit are advised for cleaning floats and other hand tools.

Safety data sheets are available from us on request.

Before you start

  1. Is rain forecast? – Do not attempt to lay if rain is forecast during installation or within 4 hours of completion.
  2. Get a rain app for your phone.
  3. Use an outdoor hydrometer to test for humidity.
  4. Is the ground or surface wet? If yes, delay installation or force dry with a gas lance.
  5. Is the humidity below 80%? – If higher there is a chance of rain and moisture in the air.
  6. Is the surface temperature as least 3 degrees higher than the Dew point temperature? Use a Hydrometer to check.
  7. Has the surface been primed? Primer must be dry before install.
  8. Have materials been checked (quantity, batch, colour etc.) and are they area re-measured?
  9. Have trowels and equipment been cleaned thoroughly?
  10. Use a light coat of WD 40 in the mixer to aid cleaning after each mix.
  11. Make sure all cracks have been repaired.
  12. Make sure all edging is protected with tape to avoid resin staining.


If you need help with your resin installation, call our technical support team on 01629 636500 or contact us

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